Central Events
The Central Events are general events, at the University of Stutgart aimed at a broad public, such as scientists, non-scientists, journalists, students and pupils.
Type: Colloquium
Semester: all Semesters
Umfang: 2KQ
Studiengänge: Bachelor & Master Informatik, Bachelor & Master Softwaretechnik, Bachelor Medieninformatik, Master InfoTech
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Daniel Weiskopf, Prof. Dr. Michael Sedlmair
Tutor: M.Sc. Samuel Beck
Date: Fridays, 14:15 - 15:30 at Campus Vaihingen, VISUS, Allmandring 19, room 00.012 - The duration of the presentation should be 20-30 minutes. For requesting a timeslot please use the RequestTracker.
VISUS Colloquium
Type: Colloquium, 2KQ
Semester: all Semesters
Study programs: Bachelor & Master "Informatik" (Computer Science), Bachelor & Master "Softwaretechnik" (Software Engineering), Bachelor Media Computer Science, Master InfoTech
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Daniel Weiskopf
Tutor: M.Sc. Sebastian Künzel
Dates: Thursdays, 11:00 - 12:30 at Campus Vaihingen, VISUS, Allmandring 19, room 00.012