
Here you will find Central Events as well as appointments for the Visualization, VISUS, and MCI Colloquium

Central Events

The Central Events are general events, at the University of Stutgart aimed at a broad public, such as scientists, non-scientists, journalists, students and pupils.


Type: Colloquium
Semester: all Semesters
Umfang: 2KQ
Studiengänge: Bachelor & Master Informatik, Bachelor & Master Softwaretechnik, Bachelor Medieninformatik, Master InfoTech
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Daniel Weiskopf, Prof. Dr. Michael Sedlmair
Tutor: M.Sc. Samuel Beck
Date: Fridays, 14:15 - 15:30 at Campus Vaihingen, VISUS, Allmandring 19, room 00.012 - The duration of the presentation should be 20-30 minutes. For requesting a timeslot please use the RequestTracker.

VISUS Colloquium

Type: Colloquium, 2KQ
Semester: all Semesters
Study programs: Bachelor & Master "Informatik" (Computer Science), Bachelor & Master "Softwaretechnik" (Software Engineering), Bachelor Media Computer Science, Master InfoTech
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Daniel Weiskopf
Tutor: M.Sc. Sebastian Künzel
Dates: Thursdays, 11:00 - 12:30 at Campus Vaihingen, VISUS, Allmandring 19, room 00.012

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