
GeodesicViewer - A tool for exploring geodesics in the theory of relativity

The GeodesicViewer realizes exocentric two- and three-dimensional illustrations of lightlike and timelike geodesics in the general theory of relativity. By means of an intuitive graphical user interface, all parameters of a spacetime as well as the initial conditions of the geodesics can be modified interactively. This makes the GeodesicViewer a useful instrument for the exploration of geodesics in four-dimensional Lorentzian spacetimes.

Screenshot of GeodesicViewer


The most recent version of the GeodesicViewer can be downloaded here:
Source files zip-file md5 sum
Windows binaries zip-file md5 sum
Version date: 2014-05-12
Linux source files gzip-compressed tar-file (3.0MB) md5: d051902f42f4be3b3472ef75329b0f28
Windows source files zip-archive (3.3MB) md5: fea3fe50f8738ffbb1d018929206d682
Windows binaries zip-archive (17MB) md5: 21d77f1d0ea99b379ea60509d37bf8f9
Version date: 25. Mar 2011 

A brief documentation, some tutorials, and an installation instruction can be found here. (aktualisieren!!!)
Note that the Windows binaries were tested only on 64bit 'Windows 7' machines.
There is also an educational article about how the GeodesicViewer could be used in the classroom: see below.




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